Steve's Goals

These have been and  continue to be my Priorities for Belleville: 

Click on a specific priority to learn more about it.

Stabilize Taxes

Cost-effective municipal spending with higher quality municipal services

Promote responsible, rational and reasonable commercial and residential development

Enhanced senior services and housing

Represent the best interests of the Community

Stabilize taxes



We are focused on a  balanced development program to increase our tax base without over burdening the community's infrastructure and schools. This implemented in concert with a cost effective spending plan will continue to help us reach our goal.

We have to spend our money wisely. The current economic times continue to dictate fiscal responsibility with a focus on essential services.  We need to find additional sources of revenue besides the Belleville residential taxpayer.

Cost-effective municipal spending with higher quality municipal services

As Americans, we are entitled to make a living. For many Americans, the current economic conditions have made this a very challenging task. We need to control costs while maintaining services. This is a true challenge. A better partnership between township workers and residents needs to be fostered. People don't mind paying for a quality product. We need to treat the taxpayer as our most valued customer. We need to treat the tax dollar as if it were our last.


In business, as in government, good employees are a valued asset. We should compliment and reward employees for exemplary behavior. We should work to make sure they have a safe environment in which to work. This environment should be free of harassment and discrimination.

Responsible and reasonable development

We need responsible development in our town. Our goal should be a positive impact on the Township. When a developer finishes his project, the community and taxpayer should win as well. We need to bring both revenue and jobs to Belleville. If our residents are the heart and soul of our community, business is its life's blood. I support the commercial development proposed at the Roche Property.

Enhanced senior services and housing


Affordable Housing for Seniors was completed in 2016. Many senior citizens want to stay in Belleville but cannot maintain a large house or afford the tax increases. They should not have to leave the place they love and know best. Senior citizens are one of the towns most under utilized assets. We need to honor them. Our seniors are truly part of the "greatest generation".

Our senior citizens have a right to know what is going on in their township, even if they can't go to every meeting in person. These meetings should be more accessible. This would hopefully promote more community participation as well as leadership accountability. We are working towards that end and have put some online YouTube capabilities in place.

Represent the best interest of the Community

Now more than ever, we need cohesive leadership focused on the well being of our community. Homeland Security is paramount. We a have a right to feel safe and secure in our homes. Our Police and Fire Departments are key elements in maintaining Belleville's security. They need our support and deserve it.



With our enhanced Reverse 911 and new web presence we hope to keep our residents better informed in real time. Please make sure you visit our website as often as possible and sign up for alerts. Recently.  we enabled the web site to take credit card payments.


Belleville has a great future if we work together. I am working with the Bellwood Civic Association to keep the Second Ward informed.

© 2020 Steven J. Rovell. Rovell Vision 2020 All rights reserved.